Dr Alex Aesthetic


Read the latest articles by Dr Alex & and the upcoming events ran by his implants team.

Viewing all Articles 21 - 30 of 38 posts
Aug 12
The Pre-Terminal Dentition: Considering Dentures | PART 1
A DENTIST’S DILEMMA FOR HIS YOUNG PATIENT WHO WANTED DENTURES One dentist had a dilemma about his young patient who had numerous decayed teeth, and who asked him to remove...
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Jul 12
The Blind Spot in Equal Rights
Is our society so blinded by religious and political activism that we forget one of the most fundamental values that we all beleived already defined us as a nation …equal...
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May 7
Quad Zygoma Tips
This article is intended for dental professionals only, who have a high level of experience with All-On-4 dental implants treatments. It is in response to a question Dr Senichi Suzuki...
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May 7
Transformation that goes beyond a ‘Before and After’
In the world of cosmetic and rehabilitative dentistry, the worst ‘Befores’ are often followed by the best ‘Afters’ because of the psychological impact of the contrast. In other words, when...
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Aug 23
Click here for ENGLISH version 仕事として初めて訪れた日本旅行を有名な新幹線に例えるとしたら、主催者および同行者の方々の対応はファーストクラスですが、旅そのものは夜行寝台列車に近いものでした。というのも全ての駅に停車したかと思うくらい色々なところに立ち寄ったからです。
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Aug 5
Open Season for Japanese Visionaries …All-On-4 Style
ビジョンある日本人との交流 If my first professional visit to Japan was synonymous with the famous Bullet Train, whilst similarly first class as a testament to my hosts and entourage, this one more...
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May 27
International Surgical Implant Conference Meet The Culinary Genius of Deb “The Secret Chef” Poratt
I have been running surgical residency programs for 9 years, and had visitors from many parts of the world with the special privilege of hosting some of the world’s most...
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Jan 27
What defines a Dental Implants Specialist?
The common meaning of the word Specialist is “a person who concentrates primarily on a particular subject or activity; a person highly skilled in a specific and restricted field.” In...
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Dec 3
All-On-4 Revolution …a shotgun lecture in Tokyo
Meticulous, systematic, minimalist, and bullet-trains, …that’s Japan. So why would an invitation to speak be any different: fly-in Wednesday, do two lectures, visit a couple of clinics and fly out...
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Dec 2
CBCT-Assisted Guided Surgery
Computer-Assisted Guided Surgery enables clinicians to better visualise the anatomy of the bone in relation to the planned design and positions of replacement teeth, and then to use a specially...
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