Dr Alex Aesthetic


Read the latest articles by Dr Alex & and the upcoming events ran by his implants team.

Viewing all Articles 31 - 34 of 34 posts
Jul 2
Are dentures a thing of the past?
I was motivated to write this article after reading some facebook correspondence between All-On-4 Clinic's provider Relations Manager, Laurie, and some dental prosthetists from New Zealand. I love how passionate...
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Jun 12
Dental Implants Retreatment with Zygoma Plus
Last night I reviewed one of my patients who I treated with the Zygoma-Plus technique, a method that I developed, borrowing from the traditional Zygomatic Implants and sinus grafting techniques...
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May 24
Bar Design for All-On-4 Final Bridge
There are various methods to make immediate All-On-4 implant-supported fixed bridges. The nature of the treatment often precludes the ability to fit the FINAL bridge immediately after surgery. This is...
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Apr 1
My friends at uni used to joke around that I thought an implant was the solution to every kind of dental problem. But in every joke there is always a...
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